Friday, 19 October 2012

I'm sorry its a been a while but Borderlands 2 was released!

Good day to you fellow interwebbers, I must begin this short post with an apology.  I'm sorry, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while (nearly a month in fact) because of life, because of Borderlands 2. I did state I wanted to get into a routine and write regular articles otherwise they'd never get written. Well I proved it to myself that this is the case, never-mind though eh?
Even as I type this I'm thinking about Borderlands, how I botched the of a end of mission last night. Without spoilers - lets just say I walked past a HUGE amount of loot and because my backpack was full I thought I just nip back.  Can't go back.  Door sealed up! SHIT!
Anyways....It's a good game and I'll be doing some writings on it after I've completed it AND done the DLC.

So, what else have I been up to, Blands 2 IS a time sink but I have playing other games - mostly IOS titles, mainly to pass the time. A couple that caught my eye was the recently released 'Burrito Bison' and the updated 'Super Monsters ate my Condo!' both 69p, both amazingly bonkers.   The new TV season has been taking up a lot of my time as well, those who read my last post would have noticed that I kind of enjoy the programmes that air during this point in the year. With the start of The Walking Dead, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire and now Arrow my evenings are taken up with multiple viewings of my favourite shows.  I'm certain once B'lands 2 is done and dusted I'll get 5 mins to write up a full 'review', saying that Assassin's Creed 3 is out in 13 days soooo....